Jeremy Barnett to speak at LSE Systemic Risk Centre
Posted on by CPvz9z
Jeremy Barnett is to conduct a seminar at LSE on the Law of Algorithms and the use of Algorithims to resolve disputes in Automated Trading and major Construction Contracts. The event is at the Systemic Risk Centre at LSE on 9th October 2017. Together with Professors Treleaven and Penn, he has launched the Construction Blockchain Consortium [CBC] at UCL, which is the leading research and industry group on emerging technologies in the Built Environment.
Jeremy is also working with Professor Treleaven on the Law of Algorithms, in particular in Algorithmic Dispute Resolution, where computer programs are designed to resolve contractual disputes that arise in automated trading and other complex disputes such as construction contracts.
On 9th October 2017 Jeremy is conducting a seminar at the Systemeic Risk Centre at LSE. This is part of the BARC project [Blockchain Technology for Algorithmic Regulation and Compliance at UCL] where he will discuss the governance and regulation of algorithms and the potential use of this technology to resolve complex disputes.
Click Here for more details of the Seminar.